



Asterisk Plus 1.2 release

We are realising Asterisk Plus
Here is the list of changes:
  • Added support for
    Nameko based Agent middleware
    . The update will not affect running installations as all settings remain the same. Only new installations will have a new Agent type selected by default. So you can safely update event is you don't plan to migrate to the new Agent but... I would recommend planning a migration because new Agent is much more better :-)
  • New
    call status Ended
    added to the call status list. It is set for normally ended channels which had not attempt to bridge with another channel.
  • Added more columns (write_uid, sync_date, sync_uid and more) to the .conf file list.
  • Removed filter
    from the .conf files list that was selected by default when you entered Conf file menu.
  • Small bug fixes.